In my last posts, I created a private NuGet feed and automatically uploaded a NuGet package with my Azure DevOps pipeline. Using Visual Studio to restore the NuGet package from the private feed wor...
Publish to an Internal NuGet Feed in Azure DevOps
In my last posts, I showed how to create NuGet packages in Azure DevOps pipelines. To easily distribute them, you have to publish these NuGet packages to a NuGet feed. This can be done by using nug...
Create NuGet Packages in Azure DevOps Pipelines
I think the most important rule of a microservice is that it has to be deployed independently. When your project or company grows, it is very likely that you want to share code between projects or ...
Automatically Version Docker Containers in Azure DevOps CI
Most examples of building Docker containers just use the latest tag to deploy or Docker images. This is simple but shouldn’t be done in a production environment. Today, I will show how to add sema...
Article - Captain in the Service Orchestra
I am thrilled to announce that I am writing my first article for the German magazine, “windows .developer”. The article, titled “Captain in the Service Orchestra”, was published in the December 202...
Run a Kubernetes Cluster locally
Running microservices in Kubernetes usually requires a cluster running in the cloud or on-premise. During the development or when debugging, developers often need to run their application quickly i...
Override Appsettings in Kubernetes
Changing configs was difficult in the past. In the .NET framework, we had to do a web.config transformation and we also had to have a web.config file for each environment. It was ok since there wer...
Deploy to Kubernetes using Helm Charts
In my last post, I explained how Helm works and how to add it to your microservice. This post is going to be more practical. Helm is a package manager that helps you to deploy your application easi...
Helm - Getting Started
Helm is a package manager for Kubernetes which helps developers quickly deploy their applications. In my last post, Azure Kubernetes Service - Getting Started, I showed how to deploy an application...
Azure Kubernetes Service - Getting Started
In my eyes, the two biggest inventions in the last years are the cloud and Kubernetes (K8s). Today, I want to combine both and give you a high-level overview of Kubernetes using Microsoft’s Azure K...