A Mobile App in Azure App Service provides a platform for the development of mobile applications, providing a combination of backend Azure hosted services with device side development frameworks th...
Develop an Azure App Service Logic App
Azure Logic Apps is a fully managed iPaaS (integration Platform as Service) that helps you simplify and implement scalable integrations and workflows from the cloud. When you create a Logic App, yo...
Design Azure App Service API Apps
Azure API Apps provide a quick and easy way to create and consume scalable RESTful APIs, using the language of your choice. The Azure portal helps you to enable CORS to support access to your API f...
Design Azure App Service Web App
Azure Web App provides a managed service for hosting your web applications and APIs with infrastructure services such as security, load balancing, and scaling provided as part of the service. Addit...
Implement Azure Search
Azure Search is a Platform as a Service offering that gives developers APIs needed to add search functionality to their applications. Primarily this means full-text search. The typical example is h...
Implement Redis Cache in Azure
Redis Cache is a key-value store NoSQL database. Its implementation is very similar to Azure Table Storage. The main difference is Redis is very high performing by keeping the data in memory most o...
Implement Azure Cosmos DB DocumentDB
Azure Cosmos DB DocumentDB is a JSON document store NoSQL database, similar to MongoDB. JSON document stores are the fastest growing NoSQL solutions. The reason why it’s growing so fast is that it ...
Implement Azure SQL database
Microsoft Azure offers with Azure SQL database a great alternative to an on-premise SQL database. In this post, I will talk about the advantages of having the database in the cloud, how to get data...
Manage access and monitor storage
Azure Storage has a built-in analytics feature called Azure Storage Analytics used for collecting metrics and logging storage request activity. Storage Analytics Metrics are used to collect aggrega...
Implement Azure Storage Tables, Queues, and Azure Cosmos DB Table API
Azure Storage Tables can store tabular data at petabyte scale. Azure Queue storage is used to provide messaging between application components, as they can be de-coupled and scaled individually. A...