Programming With Wolfgang

Configure custom URLs to access Microservices running in Kubernetes

In my last post, I created an Nginx Ingress controller and added rules to route to my two microservices. This solution worked but it was far from optimal. First, I had to add routing rules for my m...

Set up Nginx as Ingress Controller in Kubernetes

So far I have used a Service with the type LoadBalancer for my microservices. The service can be set up quickly and also gets a public IP address assign from Azure to access the microservice. Besid...

Deploy a Docker Container to Azure Functions using an Azure DevOps YAML Pipeline

In my last post, I created a YAML pipeline to build and deploy an Azure Function to Azure. Today, I will build the same Azure Function inside a Docker container and deploy the container to Azure. ...

Deploy Azure Functions with Azure DevOps YAML Pipelines

In my last post, I created an Azure Function that reads messages from an Azure Service Bus Queue and then updates a database. The deployment of the Azure Function was manual using Visual Studio. S...

Use Azure Functions to Process Queue Messages

Azure Functions is a serverless compute offering and lets developers execute code without thinking about the infrastructure it is running on. This helps to efficiently develop event-driven solution...

Replace RabbitMQ with Azure Service Bus Queues

RabbitMQ is a great tool to connect microservices asynchronously but it also comes with a couple of downsides. The biggest downside is that you have to take care of running, monitoring, and updatin...

Use Azure Container Registry in Kubernetes

Docker Hub is like GitHub for Docker containers. You can sign up for free and get unlimited public repos and one private repo. This is great for developers like me who want to make their containers...

Readiness and Liveness Probes in Kubernetes

Kubernetes automatically checks if a pod is healthy and also when it is ready to accept traffic. These checks are done using a readiness probe and liveness probe respectively. This post shows how t...

Use a Database with a Microservice running in Kubernetes

I showed in my last post how to automatically deploy database changes to your database. In this post, I will extend my microservice to use this database and also extend the deployment to provide a ...

Replace Helm Chart Variables in your CI/CD Pipeline with Tokenizer

Helm is a great tool to deploy your application into Kubernetes. In my post, Helm - Getting Started, I also mentioned the values.yaml file which can be used to replace variables in the Helm chart. ...