Programming With Wolfgang

xBehave - Getting Started

In my last post, I talked about writing unit tests using xUnit. Today, I want to go one step further and will talk about writing acceptance tests (ATDD) using xBehave. xBehave is an extension of xU...

xUnit - Getting Started

In this post, I will explain the basics of xUnit and how to write unit tests with it. xUnit is an open source testing framework for the .NET framework and was written by the inventor of NUnit v2. M...

TDD Kata

Nowadays it should be a no-brainer to write automated tests when developing or changing features. Unfortunately, the reality is different. In the last couple of weeks, I worked with several teams w...

Change the TFS workflow

Changing the workflow of a work item in TFS is pretty simple, though for me it was hard to get started due to the complicated documentation. In this post, I will talk about adding new states to a w...

Integrate your Bot in Third-Party Applications

It is really easy to integrate your bot, hosted on Azure to third-party tools like Slack or Skype. Today, I will show how to integrate your bot with Slack, Facebook, and your website. For this demo...

Extending the answers of the Chat Bot

The Azure chat bot supports different answer types like videos, images or links. In my last post, I showed you how to make your bot smarter and understand the user’s input. In this post, I will sho...

Azure Bot with language understanding

With the Azure bot framework and luis, Microsoft offers two great features to implement language understanding in your chat bot. This is the second part of my chat bot series and in this post, I wi...

Create a Bot Application with Azure

I’ve been curious about how chat bots work and this week I finally took the time to sit down and look into it. In this and the following post, I will talk about what I learned and I how solved some...

Design and Implement DevOps

DevOps is a combination of development (Dev) and Operations (Ops). The ultimate goal of DevOps is automation and repeatability which allows for increased deployment frequency without the burden tha...

Design and implement third-party PaaS

Azure support many third-party offerings and services through the Azure Marketplace. These can be deployed through the Azure portal, using ARM, or other CLI tools. Implement Cloud Foundry as a thi...