Home Resharper Shortcut List

Resharper Shortcut List

Resharper can help you to increase your performance to produce code faster and in higher quality. It is a great tool with many functions and shortcuts. Probably too many. Therefore I made my own list of shortcuts which I find useful and which I often use. I will update the list if I find a new useful shortcut.

My Resharper shortcut list

Shortcut Result
CTRL + R, R Rename highlighted element
CTRL + E, C Clean file, the setting for the cleaning can be found under Resharper –> Options –> Code Editing –> Code Cleanup
CTRL + T Find type in solution
CTRL + SHIFT + T Find file or folder in solution
CTRL + SHIFT + R Extract interface
CTRL + U, R Run unit test, if the cursor is inside a test, run this test, otherwise, run all tests of the class
CTRL + U, D Debug unit test, if the cursor is inside a test, run this test, otherwise, run all tests of the class
CRTL + U, U Repeat previous test
CTRL + U, L Run all tests in solution
CTRL + R, I Variable inline
CTRL + R, F Introduce Field
CTRL + R, V Introduce Variable
CTRL + R, P Introduce Parameter
CTRL + Shift + Alt + Up Move code up (you can highlight a single line or a whole method and move it up)
CTRL + Shift + Alt + Down Move code down(you can highlight a single line or a whole method and move it down)
CTRL + Shift + Alt + Left Move code left (useful for switching the parameter order in a method)
CTRL + Shift + Alt + Right Move code right(useful for switching the parameter order in a method)
Shift + Alt + L Find current file in solution or assembly explorer
Alt + Insert Generate a type member.


For the full Resharper shortcut list see Jetbrain’s documentation.

This post is licensed under CC BY 4.0 by the author.

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